02 March 2009

Seeking Satori: A Martial Arts Journey

This blog is designed to chronicle my journey in the martial arts, a journey which has spanned more than 25 years and a variety of styles, all in search of "Satori." I will explore the physical and philosophical aspects of the martial arts, asking more questions than answering.

The purpose will be to provoke thought; my own, and perhaps yours.

Please note that when I say "philosophical,"I do not mean "religion." While many may disagree, many of the philosophies underlying the martial arts in the Far East are not necessarily connected to a particular religion. I will not discuss religion, seek to convert anyone to my religion (I classify it as "Zen Christian," if you really must know), our criticize the religion of others.

But when exploring the Far Eastern martial arts styles, the underlying philosophies are ignored at the detriment of the practitioner.

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